
Want to see our green wall products in action before you buy? Why not see if there is a showroom or display near you. Below are a selection of just some of the places where you can see Vistafolia green wall installations for yourself.

Can’t see anything local enough? Contact us and we’ll explore some other options with you.

We also have a number of partners outside the UK with their own showrooms and Vistafolia Green Wall displays. Click here to find out more about these and see if we have a Vistafolia partner in your country.

An artificial circular emblem showcases the text 5 Year Warranty at its center. The design is adorned with stars, and the word Warranty elegantly repeats around the outer circle.

Why Choose Vistafolia?

All of Vistafolia’s artificial planting solutions are made to the same exacting standards. Quality, longevity and safety are inherent in everything we produce.

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