Wooden fences can quickly look tired and dated and sometimes just need a breath of new life. Adding an artificial green wall to a fence or wall in your garden is the perfect way to change up the space. Even if your space is limited, faux green walls are ideal for any area because they don’t require any watering.

This client in London wasn’t overly keen on the view at the top of his patio and sought a different approach. By choosing Vistafolia to install a replica green wall to the fence, he knew he was buying quality, safety and longevity. Our green wall panels are hand-designed in the UK for maximum realism. We undertake a considerable amount of testing on the panel to ensure that it is completely safe to use, including fire, freeze/thaw and UV testing, which in turn means that we are able to warranty the product for 5 years, longer than any other product on the market.

The client was also drawn to the customisable elements of the Vistafolia product, namely our exciting range of colour and texture boxes. While the customer didn’t want to change the look too dramatically and opted for our Lush Green Texture Box, he could quite easily have opted for any of the other options, or indeed chosen to buy a few boxes, allowing for the wall to be changed from season to season.

Vistafolia’s team of green wall experts installed the whole project, including adding the cedar strip at the base of the green wall. The client thought that having artificial green wall panels all the way to the floor might have been too much and wanted to soften the edges a little. Our team were able to design the concept including the cedar, leaving the customer with exactly what they had in mind.

Have you been inspired to add an artificial green wall to your home or garden? Interested to find out more about why Vistafolia’s green wall panels are the world’s favourite faux green wall solution? Then get in touch with our team today and a Vistafolia green wall could soon be the focal point of your garden.

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