In 2015, Vistafolia were collaborators on a project for the popular ITV show ‘Love Your Garden’. The show, hosted by world-renowned horticulturist Alan Titchmarsh MBE, follows the stories of garden transformations for those who are the most deserving, featuring only the very best products on the market from the leading manufacturers in the industry, hand-picked by their team of experts.

Despite being known for his passion for plants, Alan was extremely complimentary of our Green Walls realism and recognised the benefits of using such a product when the conditions are not conducive to real planting.

Vistafolia were only too happy to be involved, providing free of charge panels that turned out to be a fantastic addition to the garden. A large expanse of brickwork proved to be uninspiring and needed something to take the edge off and add a focal point for all to enjoy.

Vistafolia’s panels were the perfect solution for some much-needed greenery, giving home-owner Nina and her young family more quality time together without the need to sacrifice it to ongoing maintenance.

Because our plants are all fully UV tested and certified as well, there’s no danger of our green walls fading over time, and our best-in-class fire performance ensures longevity and safety in every environment. All this, backed by our world-leading 5-year warranty means that the wall will be enjoyed for years to come, from season to season. What’s more, the customisation options mean that Nina and the children can get creative with the wall, changing the look from season to season or as their mood suits, keeping things fresh and exciting.

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