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Greenery for Offices – 5 Reasons Why Your Office Needs an Artificial Green Wall

If you’re looking to revamp your office space, you should seriously consider including an artificial green wall as part of your design plan. Many interior designers are now looking at the use of artificial green walls for offices as a way of adding a low-maintenance, easy to install solution. Not only does it bring a pop of colour and life to an otherwise dull space, but it also has numerous benefits for employees which we have detailed below. Once you’ve decided that an artificial green wall is for you, why not check out Vistafolia’s ultra-realistic green wall panels or perhaps the modular, reconfigurable Foliascreen.

Here are our top 5 reasons to include a green wall in your office design:

  1. Increased Productivity Green walls have been proven to have a positive effect on productivity. Research shows that workers in environments with plants experience reduced stress and fatigue, leading to increased productivity and creativity. In turn, this increased productivity could mean increased returns for your business. In fact, your artificial green wall might just pay for itself in the long run.
  2. Better Mental Health The addition of greenery in an office space has also been shown to improve mental health. Studies suggest that exposure to nature and plants can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve overall well-being, even if the plants are artificial. And with workplace wellbeing emerging as a hot topic of conversation, it’s important to see why this should be a top priority for any business owner.
  3. Improved Acoustics Artificial green walls can also be used to improve acoustics in a noisy office environment. The plants absorb sound, reducing the level of noise in the space, creating a more calming and productive work environment. The Foliascreen product is fully tested and certified for acoustic properties, making it the ideal solution where quality of sound can be an issue.
  4. Increased Employee Satisfaction Finally, incorporating a green wall into your office design can increase employee satisfaction. It has been shown that employees who work in environments with plants feel more connected to nature, which leads to higher job satisfaction and morale.
  5. Improved Aesthetics On top of everything else, your employees and visitors want to feel comfortable. And what better way to do that than by transforming an area from grey to green and bringing the green outdoors inside? This is probably the biggest reason why interior designers and office managers alike are looking at artificial green walls for offices as a quick win when it comes to improving the decor.

Artificial Green Walls For Offices: The Perfect Solution?

It’s easy to see why artificial solutions are such a popular choice. Vistafolia’s green walls look simply amazing and bring a burst of much needed colour to many a dull workspace. We’ve been lucky enough to work on a whole host of projects where we’ve installed artificial green walls for offices all over the world. Below are some examples to help inspire you.

In conclusion, an artificial green wall is a smart and attractive addition to any office design for so many reasons. It boosts productivity, enhances mental health, improves acoustics, and increases employee satisfaction. So why not bring a touch of nature into your workplace and enjoy all the benefits that come with it? It might just be the best design decision your office has ever made.

Inspired to find out more? Why not check out some of our artificial green walls for offices here. Ready to start your journey? Get in touch with Vistafolia today. Our team are here to help you. From choosing a design, to completing the installation, Vistafolia has you covered.

cocoon-green-wall balcony display


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